The Shepherd of Israel
2 Samuel 5:1-25
June 12, 2016
Study Questions
1. Read 2 Samuel 5:1-5. Who, specifically, do you
think spoke to David about these matters? What was their reasoning for making
him King? How old was David when he became King of Judah? And King of Israel? Why
does this matter?
Read 2 Samuel 5:6-8. What was the first thing David
did as King? Why were there still non-Jews in Jerusalem? What did they say to
David and how did he respond? Why did he hate them? What do you think meant by “hate”?
3. Read 2 Samuel 5:9-16. Why did David decide to move from
Hebron to Jerusalem? Why did he grow great there? What was his opinion about
his growing fame and power? What were some signs of his fame and power? Were
they good signs?
4. Read 2 Samuel 5:17-25. Why did the Philistines come
against David? What was David’s first response in both battles? What were the
outcomes and why?
What’s the most
important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study?
How has today’s
message helped you to grow in love for God and others?
What is the most
important thing Jesus would have you do in light of 2 Samuel 5?
8. Take some time to worship
Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help as you seek to strive with
other believers for the faith of the gospel.
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