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Missions Report from the Prange Family

By Moriah Prange

Dear Glory of Christ family,

I wanted to thank those of you who were praying for the mission trip that my dad, my sister Faith, and I went on last month! I also wanted to share with you how God worked through it.

Our mission trip was with Joni and Friends, a Christian organization dedicated to sharing the hope of Jesus and providing resources for people with disabilities. This August, Joni and Friends hosted a retreat on the beautiful campus of Castaway Club on Pelican Lake. The retreat gave families with disabled children or individuals with disabilities a chance to play, worship, and relax. Caring for a child with a disability is daunting. Many of the children that came to camp require 24/7 care, leaving their parents little time to recharge and connect with each other. At Camp, the parents had a chance to spend time together and be fed spiritually through sermons and small groups. During this time, their children were being cared for by short-term missionaries (STM’s). This was the role that my dad, my sister, and I played.

I had never done anything like this before, and for the first two days I was overwhelmed because I felt so incapable. I talked to God about it, and realized that even though I was incapable, He was able. He gave emotional and physical strength to Dad, Faith, and I, and He taught us so much in 5 days. 

My dad was paired up with another STM to care for his adult camper, Paul. Paul was challenging because they had to constantly watch him and keep him out of danger, but it was amazing to look over and see my Dad with a huge grin on his face. I know he felt like he made a difference.

My sister Faith was assigned to a little boy named William whose disability makes it hard for him to control his emotions. It was sweet to see how he quickly bonded to Faith and would run to see her to tell her about his latest adventure.

I was paired up with another STM to care for my camper, Bryce, who is non-verbal. Learning how to communicate with him was a new experience, but it was very rewarding. By the end of our trip, he would smile when he saw my helper and me, and during the meals he would stop us from feeding him so he could hug us. My favorite memory was dancing with Bryce. While we danced, NeedtoBreathe’s “Something Beautiful” was playing. In that moment, I knew that I had been touched by something inexpressibly beautiful. I had seen just a tiny glimpse into the heart of God and His love for this precious little boy.

The whole experience was very Christ-centered and it was amazing to see Christians of all ages, denominations, nationalities, and physical abilities come together to serve! There was no bickering over theological details or differences. We were just there together to help these families. I do believe that this experience was the closest I have ever felt to Heaven.

At Camp, the campers could swim, zip-line, kayak, and do other activities that many of them had never experienced. The theme for that week was Matthew 19:26 “with God all things are possible,” and I saw these people with disabilities do things that the rest of the world would call impossible. At the end of the week, the campers put on a hilarious and touching talent show. Each person could share any talent he had, whether it was singing, telling a story, or dancing in his wheelchair to music. 
This was such an amazing experience for all of us. I was humbled by the courage and joy I saw in these people who disabilities have taken so much from them and yet they keep believing in the goodness of Jesus and selflessly serving others. I realized all over again that God has a huge heart for people with disabilities, and that they are really just people like us who need to be loved and understood. 

I know that interacting with people who have disabilities can be awkward and frightening, but Jesus promises to give us all the love and strength that we need to be His outstretched hands. I challenge you like God has challenged me…pray that God would give you a heart for those with disabilities and look for ways to serve these people who in the eyes of our culture are nothing, but in the eyes of God are priceless treasures.

Thank you again for praying!
In Christ, Moriah, Faith, and Craig Prange

“Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors…But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Luke 14:12-14, NIV


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