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Five Myths Of Marriage Equality - Myth #4

Many are rejoicing in our day about the advances of same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court ruling by a margin of 5-4 now makes it illegal for any state to ban same-sex marriage. Depending on where you land on the spectrum of "tolerance" or rejection of same-sex marriage there are some myths to dis-spell regarding this issue.

Before I get to the myths, it is crucial for me to point out that the Bible treats homosexuality as a voluntary act of rebellion against God (Romans 1:26-27). Scripture calls believers to respond to homosexual individuals with kindness, gentleness, and sympathy for their struggle (2 Timothy 2:24-26). However, there is nothing in Scripture that suggests homosexual behavior is natural or a part of God's design nor a part of human flourishing and fulfillment. Therefore, Scripture teaches that the correct response to homosexual inclinations is to repent and trust Jesus for forgiveness and strength (Luke 3:3).

Myth #4 I Am Not Against Marriage Equality, Therefore I Am In Favor Of It

Many people don't really understand the implications of marriage equality. Therefore, many well intentioned people don't see the important distinction that needs to be made between not being against same sex marriage and truly being in favor of it. 

Here is what I mean.

Thomas Jefferson said that "if it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket, then what difference is it to me?" In other words, many people essentially support marriage equality because they don't see any threat to society or humanity at large. If this is the case, then who am I to stand in the way and why should I care?

This person is not against it but it does not mean they are truly in favor of it.

The reality is, unless a parent is ready to look their son or daughter in the eyes and encourage them to equally consider same-sex relationships with heterosexual relationships, you are not in favor of marriage equality. 

Unless you will intentionally expose your children to same-sex relationships and promote them as an equivalent possibility to heterosexuality, you are not in favor of marriage equality.

Unless you truly view homosexuality and heterosexuality as truly equivalent, you are not in favor of marriage equality. For instance, if you personally view heterosexuality as "Plan A" but open to homosexuality as "Plan B" then you are not in favor of marriage equality. You are only in favor of marriage equality if both heterosexuality and homosexuality are equally "plan A" and there is no such thing as "plan B." 

The same is true with transgender issues. In an article produced by Minnesota Family Council the question is raised: "What do those who wish to redefine gender really want?" This is not only a good question, it is the right question. Here is the answer and you can read for yourself in more detail by following this link:

According to the Minnesota Family Counsel:

"GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, wants people to start moving beyond "binary" thinking. 

TRANSLATION (provided by our ally, Focus on the Family)The message is clear–God-designed biological genders have absolutely no meaning, so people can create their own gender and sexuality any way they see fit. According to GLSEN’s definitions, people are not born with a biological gender, they are merely “assigned” it by a narrow-minded society." 

If you gained anything from the previous post on Myth #3, the agenda behind marriage equality and the transgender issue is not to leave room for the 1-2% of individuals who deal with it but to celebrate it and normalize it. The true agenda behind marriage equality is to promote, celebrate, and normalize homosexuality and transgender purposes so that God's creation of it becomes meaningless and outdated. 

Ideas have consequences. Francis Schaeffer suggested that society will embrace what is "unthinkable" tomorrow if moral standards are not protected today. For instance, not too long ago it would have been absolutely unthinkable that the state of Minnesota would allow high school athletes to compete in sports according to the gender they identify with. This would have been utterly ridiculous and unthinkable 25 years ago. Additionally, consider the way that GLSEN is working to redefine language:

"Before people start talking to each other, review gender-neutral pronouns and make sure that everyone understands how they should be used. Remember, “zie” (pronounced “z”) is subjective and is used instead of “she” or “he,” while “hir” (pronounced “here”) is both objective and possessive and is used instead of “her,” “him” or “his.” Using “it” to refer to people can be offensive and dehumanizing, and using “they” to refer to an individual is less than ideal because it is plural, so make sure that people stick to using gender- neutral pronouns." Quote taken from The GLSEN Jump-Start Guide and you can access the entire guide by this link:

The simple point that I am making is that this movement is not about accepting the extremely low percentage of folks who struggle with this issue. I am thankful that groups like GLSEN are helping us to see the real struggles of homosexuals and transgendered folks face in our society. However, eliminating the God-designed intentions and distinctions of gender that is unavoidable through biology is not the solution. For those who think this movement is merely about including those who are the exceptions to the rule, it isn't. The real agenda is to end what has been "the rule" so that there would never be an exception. So you may not be against it but it doesn't mean you are truly for what this is all about.

While I understand the motif behind the idea, it can't work because it doesn't honor the design of God who created everyone that identifies as a homosexual or a transgender. Instead of redefining gender and sexual orientation for everyone Christians are called to proclaim the truth in love. That truth? That truth is about the man, Jesus Christ, who came to die for the sins of the world so that everyone can be forgiven in him and restored to God. Yes, this restoration to God also means restoration to God's intention for your sexuality and your sexual orientation. God truly loves you and welcomes you to come to him by faith in Jesus Christ. The love of God does not mean accepting the sin of man, it means sending his Son to die for sin so that it can be forgiven and repented of and turned away from.

In the hope of Christ who rose from the grave.

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Genesis 1:26-28


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