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Three Ways Consumerism Kills the Church by Pastor Kevin

In light of Pastor Charlie's recent sermons I thought I would share some of the fruit that it is bearing in my own heart to the hundreds of thousands of you who read this blog religiously. If you have not listened to the sermons I encourage you to visit the GCF website or iTunes to hear them (9/9, 9/16 and 9/23).

Consumerism is something American Christians must give ongoing thought to since it is perhaps the pervading yet unnoticed religions of the land. Pastor Charlie helped us to see that consumerism starts and ends with the wants and wishes of the one who consumes. It suggests mankind's greatest problem is more along the lines of boredom than it is rebelling against God. It offers the individual a counterfeit salvation of renewed identity and sense of self upon purchasing new products and services. We saw that the church in America has done more than comply with consumerism but pioneered a model for appealing to consumer demand in hopes to build the church. This is tragic and eternally serious because the church that complies with consumerism deceives its people by presenting them with a different religion, a different gospel that will not save. While the gospel revealed in Scripture calls the sinner to fix their eyes upon Christ, the consumer gospel either subtly or not so subtly keeps the focus upon self, including your own wants, wishes, and preferences.

As I thought about this all and the seriousness of it I wanted to focus some further insights into the implications of consumerism that lives in the church. As American Christians we must recognize that consumerism creeps into our Christianity the same way the caste system creeps into Indian Christianity. Let me point out three ways consumerism can be detected by highlighting it's destructive outcomes upon our churches.

Consumerism Kills Covenant
There are contractual relationships and covenantal relationships. A sports analogy may be fitting here so be ready. Often times athletes get signed to a contract but those are often broken if the terms are not met. Thus, it forces a relationship to be based on performance, and this is fitting for sports or other professional settings. If a player doesn't perform they may be cut and the contract is terminated. If the player feels they are worth more than the contract reflects they may hold out and demand more money. It is all based on performance. 

Covenant is much different and covenant is what God chose as the basis for his relationship to his people. When Jesus died on the cross he did so covenantally. He did so as part of the unconditional promise that existed between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that Jesus would die for sinners. Notice, Jesus didn't die for sinners because they offered him something, he died for them because of promise. Jesus died for sinners not contractually but covenantally. 

Consumerism Kills Community
True community is based on true love. As was just mentioned, true love can only exist within the framework of covenant: Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). The Christian church is called to the highest calling upon the earth, namely, to reflect the love of Christ in the way we love one another. This is where consumerism is so destructive because true love cannot happen in a church governed by consumerism. Why not? It is because everyone participates on the basis that their desires will be met, which means individuals are forced to market themselves in hopes that they will be appealing to one another. A consumer culture leaves no room for one to be a broken sinner who needs grace. That will be such an inconvenience. Instead, it demands that you are always shiny and polished, nicely wrapped on a shelf in hopes someone will want, not so much you, but your goods and services that you are able to provide. This setting will fester condemnation better than salvation.

The good news of the gospel is that Christ died for sinners, his enemies. Christian love that furthers this good news requires covenant because only covenant commitment provides the security needed to be flawed. While contract says "I love you for what you do for me" covenant says "I love you no matter what." The consumer mentality that creeps into the church suggests that the right programs, styles of worship, and cool people is the highest priority or "I'm outta here." This kills what the church is really called to be. This kills the kind of love that Jesus calls his people to when he said "a new commandment I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34). 

Consumerism Kills Your Faith
This is simply the logical conclusion to the points already made. If you have followed the points thus far you have probably already pieced this together. Consumerism forces you to market yourself to other people but it also suggests you must market yourself to be accepted by God. In a roundabout way it is a different variation of legalism. When the Apostle Paul confronts the Galatian church for turning to a "different gospel" he was referring to their desire to find acceptance by God by keeping the works of the law. Keeping the works of the law doesn't sound so bad. It is really bad, however, because of the human pride that is involved in thinking that an individual sinner could possibly be good enough by their effort to keep the law. This person not only refuses to believe the extent of their sin, they also refuse to accept the free grace of God's covenant keeping love through Christ. This renders the cross unnecessary. This is indeed very serious. 

Consumerism kills faith by subtly shifting the object and purpose of faith. Instead of gaining God and His presence it is the subtle suggestion that one should turn to God in order for Him to grant their material desires. Both involve God, only one is genuine faith. 

Praying for our church as we wrestle with these things. May we grow to be a church where the love of Christ is manifest among us.

Pastor Kevin


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