According to Edmund Clowney in his book titled The
Church, “The Reformation made the gospel, not ecclesiastical organization,
the test of the true church. Three marks were defined in distinguishing a true
church of Christ: true preaching of the Word; proper observance of the
sacraments; and faithful exercise of church discipline.”
Nine Marks is a Ministry of Mark Dever and Capitol
Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. They outline nine different marks or
characteristics of what a healthy church must include. You can read the PDF
online. Here is a brief summary of the points:
Expositional Preaching: “This is preaching whose object is
to expound what is said in a particular passage of Scripture, carefully
explaining its meaning and applying it to the congregation.”
2. Biblical
Theology: “Sound teaching includes a clear commitment
to doctrines often neglected yet clearly biblical.”
3. A Biblical
Understanding of the Good News: “All of us as
Christians should pray that we would care more about the wonderful good news of
salvation through Christ than we do about anything else in the church's life.”
4. A Biblical
Understanding of Conversion: “If our
conversion is basically understood to be some- thing we do ourselves instead of
something God does in us, then we misunderstand it.”
5. A Biblical
Understanding of Evangelism: “If your mind has
been shaped by the Bible on God and the gospel, on human need and conversion,
then a right understanding of evangelism will naturally follow.”
6. A Biblical
Understanding of Church
Membership: “Churches knew those who com- posed their
membership. For example, Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church show that some
individuals were to be excluded (e.g., I Cor. 5) and that some were to be included
(e.g., II Cor. 2).“
7. Biblical
Church Discipline: “A biblical practice of church
discipline gives meaning to being a member of the church.”
8. A Concern
For Promoting Christian Discipleship and Growth: “…the only certain observable sign is a life of increasing
holiness, rooted in Christian self-denial. The church should be marked by a
vital concern for this kind of increasing godli- ness in the lives of its
9. Biblical
Church Leadership: “All churches have had individuals
who performed the functions of elders, even if they’ve called them by other
names. The two New Testament names for this office were episcopos (overseer)
and presbuteros (elder).”
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