Here is a marriage exercise taken from a workbook titled "Building Marriages God's Way" designed by Faith Lafayette Church in Indiana.
The Exercise:
Evaluate the way you you express love to your wife. Circle the ways you are neglecting. Ask your wife to go over the list and put a check mark in front of the ways she would like you to express love. Ask her to add other things to the list.
You may express love to your wife by:
16. Rubbing her back or...
17. Shaving or taking a bath or brushing your teeth before you have sexual relations.
18. Wearing her favorite after-shave lotion.
19. Writing love notes or letter to her.
20. Letting her know you appreciate her and what you appreciate about her. Do this often and for things that are sometimes taken for granted.
21. Doing the dishes while she relaxes or takes a bubble bath.
22. Playing with her; sharing her hobbies and recreational preferences enthusiastically; including her in yours.
23. Seeking to set a good example before the children.
24. Talking about her favorably to the children when she can hear you and when she cannot.
25. Bragging about her good points to others; letting her know you are proud to have her as your wife.
26. Maintaining your own spiritual life through Bible study, prayer, regular church attendance and fellowship with God's people.
27. Handling your affairs decently and in order; structuring your time and using it wisely.
28. Making plans prayerfully and carefully.
29. Asking her advice when you have problems or decisions to make.
30. Following her advice unless to do so would violate biblical principles.
In addition to making her first place and showing it, make an effort to recognize her attempts to please you.
-Her attention to immediate details and her desire to express love to you may often motivate her to do little things for you.
-When you fail to recognize them or express appreciation for them you are insensitive to her.
-She needs your admiration and praise. Don't disregard, laugh at or belittle what she does for you. Be very careful to watch for her attempts to please and then express appreciation.
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