Here is a marriage exercise taken from a workbook titled "Building Marriages God's Way" designed by Faith Lafayette Church in Indiana.
The Exercise:
Evaluate the way you you express love to your husband. Circle the ways you are neglecting. Ask your husband to go over the list and put a check mark in front of the ways he would like you to express love. Ask him to add other things to the list.
The Exercise:
Evaluate the way you you express love to your husband. Circle the ways you are neglecting. Ask your husband to go over the list and put a check mark in front of the ways he would like you to express love. Ask him to add other things to the list.
11. Sen him off to work with a kiss!
12. Put a love note in his sack lunch.
13. Never be his teacher or preacher (1 Peter 3:1). Let God and some man do that.
14. Be loyal to your husband in every area - seek his insight and advice on daily problems and especially on spiritual things. Don't show greater spiritual loyalty to another spiritual leader (pastor, man or woman teacher, books, etc.). John 15:13
15. Build loyalty to husband/dad in the children by maintaining a good attitude toward him, by praying for him with the children and by complimenting him in the children's presence. These two things that destroy the children's loyalty to dad MUST be avoided:
First, complaints during day of things he has not done.
Second, fear of things he will do.
Wives, show confidence in his decisions. Expressing anxiety over his decisions may cause him to become defensive and reactionary. Questions asked in a spirit of eagerness to carry out his decisions may cause him to re-evaluate poor decisions. If he fails to re-evaluate poor decisions and failure is imminent, you must remember God can teach him through failure. He does not want to fail. He learns more through failure than you imagine. You must not say, "I told you so." Instead, focus on what God wants to teach you through the failure.
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