Several weeks ago I began the process of posting these ideas 10 at a time. Not every idea will work for everyone, but please pray over each list and ask the Lord to help you identify one thing you can do each week. And if none of the ideas on a given section of the list works for you, then let it inspire you to think of something else. Whatever the case may be, ask Jesus to enable and empower you to join him in the joy-producing, God-exalting quest of seeking and saving the lost in our neighborhoods.
Here’s the tenth part of the list:
Extended neighborhood – The Regular Spots in your City (continued)
91. When you can, support local businesses and get to know the people in that business.
92. Visit your city’s visitor center to learn about the city’s history
93. Start a storytelling group at your local coffee shop
94. Organize a kid’s fun day at your city park
95. Offer free computer/technology help for elderly citizens in your area
96. Start a bike repair coop
97. Cookout at your local park and invite the people there to eat with you
98. Start a sewing class at your local community center
99. Organize a co-working time at your local coffee shop for people who work at home
100. Join a city softball, soccer, football, basketball league.
Lord Jesus, please give us hearts to join in your great quest to seek and save the lost, and please give us the power to do whatever you call us to do. In your great and gracious name we pray, amen.
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