5-Day Club Planning Meeting this Monday at 7 p.m.: If you are interested in participating in a summer outreach/kids program, we invite you to come to the training at the Church Office. Notify Pastor Kevin if you plan to attend.
Agape Meal Next Sunday: Next week is Communion Sunday and we will share a meal together after the service. See the back of the announcements for full details about this monthly, all-church meal.
Quarterly Business Meeting Next Sunday: Join us for the quarterly business meeting after the Agape Meal. We will hear an update from the facilities team and an overview of the summer plans for ministry. Members are asked to attend, but all are welcome.
Choosing the Gift of Life Thursday May 10: Reserve a spot now for the Abba Pregnancy Resource Center Fundraising Banquet to be held on May 10 at 6 p.m. at Rockwoods in Otsego. To make reservations, email event@abbaprc.org or call 763.445.9650.
Upcoming Opportunities at CAER Elk River Food Shelf: Each week during the summer at CAER, approximately 250 Kidz Kitz are distributed. It’s their summer supplemental food program. If you're interested in donating food, check out the food list on their website, caerfoodshelf.org. They are also looking for volunteer groups (4-6 individuals) to help pack the Kidz Kitz. For more information, email info@caerfoodshelf.org.
Next Week’s Fighter Verse
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
Love one another with brotherly affection.
Outdo one another in showing honor.
Romans 12:9-10 (ESV)
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