Youth Baptism Orientation Thursday April 26 at Church Office: Join us at 7 p.m. on the 26th to learn more about youth baptism at GCF. This orientation is for parents only and it does not obligate your son/daughter to be baptized. Notify Pastor Kevin by Tuesday, April 24 if you plan to attend.
5-Day Club Planning Meeting Monday April 30 at 7 p.m.: If you are interested in participating in a summer outreach/kids program, we invite you to come to the training meeting on April 30 at the Church Office. Notify Pastor Kevin if you plan to attend.
Nursery Helpers Needed: If you would like to serve the children and families of GCF, contact Pastor Kevin or Claire Belknap about getting trained to work in the nursery.
Faith Biblical Counseling Conference April 27-28: Pray for those from GCF who will be attending this conference at Grace Church in Eden Prairie. May the Lord fully equip them as they seek to care for the body of Christ. For more information about future trainings, contact Pastor Kevin, kevin@gcfmn.org.
Choosing the Gift of Life Thursday May 10: Reserve a spot now for the Abba Pregnancy Resource Center Fundraising Banquet to be held on May 10 at 6 p.m. at Rockwoods in Otsego. To make reservations, email event@abbaprc.org or call 763.445.9650.
Next Week’s Fighter Verse
"I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake,
and I will not remember your sins."
Isaiah 43:25 (ESV)
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