Two weeks ago I began the process of posting these ideas 10 at a time. Not every idea will work for everyone, but please pray over each list and ask the Lord to help you identify one thing you can do each week. And if none of the ideas on a given section of the list works for you, then let it inspire you to think of something else. Whatever the case may be, ask Jesus to enable and empower you to join him in the joy-producing, God-exalting quest of seeking and saving the lost in our neighborhoods.
Here’s the third part of the list:
Neighbors – Your Immediate Neighborhood (continued)
21. Invite your neighbors to serve along with you for a local cause in your community
22. Organize a backyard movie night for kids on your block
23. Prayer walk and talk to people you come across
24. Jog outside instead of on the treadmill
25. Pull their trash back in when you notice its out
26. Cook an extra casserole and give it to a neighbor
27. Buy an extra dozen donuts and give them to a neighbor
28. Start a compost pile and allow neighbors to dump their compost and take what they need
29. Host a sports game watching party
30. Host a coffee and dessert night
Lord Jesus, please give us hearts to join in your great quest to seek and save the lost, and please give us the power to do whatever you call us to do. In your great and gracious name we pray, amen.
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