Last week I began the process of posting these ideas 10 at a time. Not every idea will work for everyone, but please pray over each list and ask the Lord to help you identify one thing you can do each week. And if none of the ideas on a given section of the list works for you, then let it inspire you to think of something else. Whatever the case may be, ask Jesus to enable and empower you to join him in the joy-producing, God-exalting quest of seeking and saving the lost in our neighborhoods.
Here’s the second part of the list:
Neighbors – Your Immediate Neighborhood (continued)
11. Have a garage sale
12. Organize a tasting tour on your street (everyone sets up food and a table on front porch)
13. Cook Out with gate open, or even in the front yard and let neighbors know they are welcome to join
14. Have a game night (yard games outside, or board games inside)
15. Art swap night - bring out what you’re tired of and trade with neighbors
16. Grow a garden and give out extra produce to neighbors
17. Have an Easter egg hunt on your block and invite neighbors use their front yards
18. Start a weekly open meal night in your home
19. Do a summer BBQ every Friday night and invite others to contribute
20. Create a block/ street email and phone contact list for safety
Lord Jesus, please give us hearts to join in your great quest to seek and save the lost, and please give us the power to do whatever you call us to do. In your great and gracious name we pray, amen.
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