Ask Whatever You Wish
John 15:7-11
March 18, 2018
Questions for Study and Meditation
- Read John 15:7-8. What promise does Jesus make to his disciples? What are the conditions of the promise? How can one fulfill these conditions? What happens when a person meets these conditions and receives what they ask in prayer?
- Read John 15:9-10. How did the Father love Jesus? How did Jesus love his own? What is his command to his own? How are they to keep his command?
- Read John 15:11. Why did Jesus teach what he taught in verses 1-10? What is his ultimate desire for his disciples? What is the nature of Jesus’ joy?
- What’s the most important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study?
- How has today’s message helped you to grow in love for God and others?
- What is the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of the message?
- Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help as you seek to grow with others in faith, hope, and love.
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