Glory of Christ Fellowship (GCF) exists to make disciples of all nations by living lives of worship, walking together in community, and engaging in the mission of Christ that we may grow to full maturity for the glory of Christ. This statement is comprised of three parts: (1) The Mission—to make disciples of all nations; (2) The Strategy—worship, community, and mission; (3) The Vision—to grow to full maturity for the glory of Christ. With regard to our mission, GCF exists to make disciples. Disciples are those who believe in Jesus Christ as he is revealed in the Bible, who are learning to love him with all their heart and soul and mind and strength, and who are learning to love others as they love themselves. In other words, disciples are lovers of God and others who gain the power to love through Jesus Christ. As we grow in love, our passion is to build a way of life together that’s comprised of worship, community, and mission. By “worship” we mean things like delighting in and f...
Worship. Community. Mission.