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Showing posts from September, 2017

The Mission and Vision of Glory of Christ Fellowship, by Pastor Charlie Handren

Glory of Christ Fellowship (GCF) exists to make disciples of all nations by living lives of worship, walking together in community, and engaging in the mission of Christ that we may grow to full maturity for the glory of Christ. This statement is comprised of three parts: (1) The Mission—to make disciples of all nations; (2) The Strategy—worship, community, and mission; (3) The Vision—to grow to full maturity for the glory of Christ. With regard to our mission, GCF exists to make disciples. Disciples are those who believe in Jesus Christ as he is revealed in the Bible, who are learning to love him with all their heart and soul and mind and strength, and who are learning to love others as they love themselves. In other words, disciples are lovers of God and others who gain the power to love through Jesus Christ. As we grow in love, our passion is to build a way of life together that’s comprised of worship, community, and mission. By “worship” we mean things like delighting in and f...

Worship Songs, October 1

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) How Great Is Your Faithfulness Behold Our God Lamb Of God Jesus Thank You (Communion) It’s Your Grace (Communion) Revelation Song Sermon Text: John 10:22-30 That the next generation will set their hope in God and not forget the works of God (Psalm 78:7).

Sermon Questions - September 24, 2017

One Flock, One Shepherd John 10:1-21 September 24, 2017 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 10:16. Who are the “other sheep” to whom Jesus referred? What does it mean that they will have one flock and one shepherd? Read John 10:17-18. Why does the Father love the Son? How does this relate to Jesus’ role as the good shepherd? Read Ezekiel 34. To whom was this chapter addressed? What was the Lord’s word to the shepherds of Israel? What was his word to the people of Israel? What was his promise to them? How is this promise fulfilled in Jesus? What does this teach us about the relationship between the Father and the Son? What’s the most important thing you learned from today’s sermon? From John 10:1-21? How has this sermon helped you to grow in love for God and others? What’s the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of this sermon? Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help as you seek to strive wi...

Announcements - September 24, 2017

Worship Location Update: The work at the Handke Family Center has been delayed. We will meet for worship at Elk River High School's Little Theater until at least October 8. All Sunday School Classes Have Started: Thanks be to God for his provision of both teachers and classroom space which allowed us to begin Sunday school last week. Check the signs in the hallways to see where classes are meeting. Glory of Christ Fellowship 10th Anniversary Celebration: We will celebrate our tenth anniversary on Sunday, October 1. Along with our Agape Meal, there will be a silent auction. Funds raised from the auction will go into the short-term missions fund. Help is needed to cover the details of the silent auction—silent auction items, setup and cleanup of event. To get involved, contact Julie Springfield at 763-607-1253. Annual Men’s Retreat, October 19-21: Men, we look forward to gathering again at Miracle Bible Camp near Longville, Minnesota for a time of recreation, meditation on ...

Have Nothing Else but God in Everything - By Pastor Charlie Handren

In a little book entitled Daily Readings with Saint John of the Cross (Templegate: Springfield, IL, 1985), Saint John writes, “To have God in everything a soul must have nothing in everything, for how can a heart belong in any way to two people at once?” (59). This, of course, is reminiscent of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” I think Saint John is really onto something here, but the question arises, How does one have nothing in everything? Answer: have nothing but God in everything. For instance, I’m sitting at my computer right now and I have two choices as to how to think about it: (1) I can rejoice in the wonder of the computer itself and the genius of those who invented such a thing, or I can rejoice in the fact that I have resources to own it, or I can rejoice in the fact that I have requisite skills to use it, or I can take it for granted and...

Worship Songs, September 24

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. Great Is Thy Faithfulness From The Inside Out Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross Amazing Love I Surrender All Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us Oh The Deep Deep Love That the next generation will set their hope in God and not forget the works of God (Psalm 78:7). 

Catechisms: Building a Heritage of Sound Faith - By Pastor Kevin Feder

This is an article I (Pastor Kevin) wrote in 2005 and updated in 2017. It is featured in a new resource available through Children’s Desiring God called Discipleship through Doctrinal Teaching and Catechism by Sally Michael.  It is our desire to encourage parents to use a children’s catechism as a tool in building and strengthening faith in children. A simple definition of a catechism is “organized teaching.” Catechisms are not the only things that can or should be used to instruct the next generation, yet they have useful purposes. Listed here are ten specific benefits a catechism can uniquely offer. Hopefully these ten points will help parents understand how a catechism can be effectively used in their families. 1.  A catechism is a very clear and complete gospel message. A catechism is, among other things, a very clear and concise gospel message to children. Everything a child needs to know for salvation is embodied within a catechism. The gospel is truly ama...

Sermon Questions - September 17, 2017

I Am the Good Shepherd John 10:1-21 September 17, 2017 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 10:1-6. What do you suppose led Jesus to use this metaphor? What is the nature of the false shepherd? What is the nature of the true shepherd? Why do the sheep follow the true shepherd? Why will they refuse to follow another? Read John 10:7-18. What does it mean to say that Jesus is the door of the sheep? What does it mean to say that Jesus is the good shepherd? How is he different from false shepherds or hired hands? Who are the “other sheep” to whom Jesus refers? Read John 10:19-21. Why were the Jews divided? What did each side have to say about Jesus? What’s the most important thing you learned from today’s sermon? From John 10:1-21? How has this sermon helped you to grow in love for God and others? What’s the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of this sermon? Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his he...

Announcements - September 17, 2017

Worship Location Update: The work at the Handke Family Center has been delayed. We will meet for worship at Elk River High School's Little Theater until at least October 8. All Sunday School Classes Will Begin Today: Thanks be to God for his provision of both teachers and classroom space which allows us to begin Sunday school today. Youth Ministries Student and Parent Orientation this Wednesday: Parents and students (grades 6-12) are invited to join us from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Otsego Park. We will talk about our plan for making disciples in 2017-2018 and the exciting events that students can participate in this year. Dinner will not be provided. Everyone is asked to bring a snack to share with the group. Water and picnic supplies will be provided. RSVP to pastor Kevin by Tuesday, September 19. New Women's Bible Study Starting this Thursday: We will be doing a study by Kathleen Neilson called Rebuild (book of Nehemiah). We will meet at the home of Tayla Bonin, 11824 - 195t...

Do Not Pray for Easy Lives - By Pastor Charlie Handren

Somewhere along the way I picked up this quote from Phillip Brooks: “Do not pray for easy lives! Pray to be stronger men [and women]. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle.” Several years ago, I was going through some difficult things, and though I don’t remember the exact words I used, I prayed and asked God to get me out of the situation. My sense of the Lord’s response was this: “I don’t want to get you out of this, I want to develop you in this.” These words were comforting to me because what my heart was really longing to know was that God was with me and had not forsaken me. I remember thinking in those days, “If I know the Lord is near and his promises are mine, I can endure anything.” And in time, the Lord did in fact shape me through that situation. He developed my faith, my ability to persevere, my hope, my character, my ministry skills, my trust in the Wor...

Growing in Grace: A Self-Assessment - By Pastor Charlie Handren

The Apostle Peter drew his second letter to a close with these wise and pastoral words: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18). Beloved, this is an exhortation from an elder brother in Christ, and it’s also a command. The word “grow” is in the imperative mood which means that it’s a directive. Peter is saying to people he loves very much, “Forsake the fading pleasures of this world and make every effort to pursue Christ” (see 1 Peter 1:5-11). Over the last few weeks we’ve looked at growing in Christ in a number of ways, discussing eight essential habits that create an atmosphere of growth in our lives. These habits do not, in themselves, cause us to grow in Christ, but they are tools and fertilizer in the hands of the God who does cause us to grow. We considered the Word of God, praise, prayer, fasting, giving, community life, evangelism, and mercy ministry. These discipli...