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Showing posts from July, 2016

Sermon Questions, July 31, 2016

And David Mourned 2 Samuel 13:1-39 July 31, 2016 Study Questions 1.   Read 2 Samuel 13:1-6. Carefully note the family relations between each person mentioned in this text. Who exactly was Amnon to David? To Tamar? What was his feeling toward her? What was his scheme with regard to her? 2.   Read 2 Samuel 13:7-22. What did Amnon do to Tamar? How did this make Tamar feel? How did Amnon feel about Tamar after he did what he did? How did he treat her after he did what he did? How did Absalom respond to these things? How did David respond to these things? 3.   Read 2 Samuel 13:23-33. What did Absalom do to Amnon? How much time had passed since Amnon violated Tamar? How did David respond to Amnon’s death? 4.   Read 2 Samuel 13:34-39. To where did Absalom flee and why (see 3:3)? How long was he there? How did David feel about his exile and why? 5.   What’s the most important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study? 6.   How...

Announcements - July 31, 2016

Announcements – July 31, 2016 Missionary Catherine Rivard at GCF: Catherine Rivard, missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea, will be visiting with us on Sunday, August 14. Catherine will make a brief presentation in the worship service, and then stay for a picnic at Orono Park where we can fellowship together and hear more from Catherine. The picnic is a "bring your own food" event; we'll provide plates, cups, utensils, and water to drink. Women’s Ministry and Children’s Fellowship: The next Women’s ministry fellowship at Elysia Larson’s home will be on Tuesday, August 9 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Pastor Charlie On Vacation: Pastor Charlie will be on vacation from July 18-August 8. He will respond to messages left for him when he returns. Pivot Meeting: The college age (and beyond) ministry meets on alternating Thursday evenings. 7:00 p.m. at Josiah Lee's house. The next meeting is on Thursday, August 11. Meeting At Elk River High...

Applying the Gospel to a Victim of Sexual Abuse, by Pastor Kevin

Applying the Gospel to a Victim of Sexual Abuse By Pastor Kevin Sexual abuse is more than sexual abuse, it is also emotional, physical, relational, and gender abuse. It is perhaps the worst kind of abuse that is incredibly damaging. When Tamar was raped by her step-brother in 2 Samuel 13, Amnon, her question was this in verse 13: “where could I carry my shame?” After Amnon violates her Tamar publicly laments by putting ashes on her head and tore the long robe that she wore (verse 19). The ashes symbolized something. They symbolized the dirtiness of the shame that she felt. Tamar’s soul seemed a polluted hole like the soot from ashes. Robert Kelleman in his book titled  Sexual Abuse  said that “many sexual abuse victims feel a tremendous amount of false guilt that leads to a sense of worthlessness and ugliness.” In one case that he counseled, a young lady described her shameful feelings by saying that “[I’m] convinced that people’s eyes can pierce right into my soul ...

Sermon Questions - July 24, 2016

David and Bathsheba 2 Samuel 11:1-12:31 July 24, 2016 Study Questions 1.   Read 2 Samuel 11:1-5. Why didn’t David go to war with his men? What did he do instead and how did this make him vulnerable? What specifically did he do and why (see 3:1-5 and 5:13-16)? 2.   Read 2 Samuel 11:6-21. What specifically did David do to hide his sin? What does this teach about David’s character? 3.   Read 2 Samuel 11:22-27. What was the outcome of David’s plans? How did Bathsheba respond to the situation? What became of her in the long-term? How did the Lord feel about the things David had done?  4.   Read 2 Samuel 12:1-15a. What did the Lord do in response to David’s sin? Why did the Lord lead Nathan to confront David specifically as he did? How did David respond? (see Psalm 51). 5.   Read 2 Samuel 12:15b-23. What came of the child David had by Bathsheba? How did David respond and why? How does this display the wise discipline of the Lord? 6.  R...

Announcements - Sunday, July 24, 2016

Announcements – July 24, 2016 Raspberry Ridge Outreach Opportunity: This Wednesday, July 27 will be our final outreach at Raspberry Ridge. If you would like to donate financially we are still looking to raise about $75.00. Thank you for your prayer and support. Missionary Catherine Rivard at GCF: Catherine Rivard, missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea, will be visiting with us on Sunday, August 14. Catherine will make a brief presentation in the worship service, and then stay for a picnic at Orono Park where we can fellowship together and hear more from Catherine. The picnic is a "bring your own food" event; we'll provide plates, cups, utensils, and water to drink. Women’s Ministry and Children’s Fellowship: The next Women’s ministry fellowship at Elysia Larson’s home will be on Tuesday, August 9 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Pastor Charlie On Vacation: Pastor Charlie will be on vacation from July 18-August 8. He will respond to messages l...

Augustine on the Aims of Preaching, by Pastor Charlie

Augustine on the Aims of Preaching By Pastor Charlie In his famous book,  On Christian Doctrine,  Augustine writes the following about the proper aims of preaching:       Whoever, then, thinks that he understands the Holy Scriptures, or any part of them, but puts such an interpretation upon them as does not tend to build up this twofold love of God and our neighbor, does not yet understand them as he ought. If, on the other hand, a man draws a meaning from them that may be used for the building up of love, even though he does not happen upon the precise meaning which the author whom he reads intended to express in that place, his error is not pernicious, and he is wholly clear from the charge of deception.      For there is involved in deception the intention to say what is false; and we find plenty of people who intend to deceive, but nobody who wishes to be deceived…Nevertheless, as I was going to say, if his mistaken interpretation ...

Sermon Questions - July 17, 2016

The Justice of the Lord 2 Samuel 10:1-19 July 17, 2016 Study Questions Read 2 Samuel 10:1-5. Where was Ammon? What was David’s heart toward the Ammonites and why? How did they treat David’s servants? How did David respond? Read 2 Samuel 10:6-14. Why did the Ammonites hire the Syrians? How did David respond to their military actions? What tactics did Joab use? How did he encourage his soldiers? What was the outcome of the battle? Read 2 Samuel 10:15-19. How did the Syrians respond to the defeat of the Ammonites? What was the outcome of that battle? What was the long-term relationship between Israel and Syria? What was the larger purpose of God, then, in this story? What’s the most important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study? How has today’s message helped you to grow in love for God and others? What is the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of 2 Samuel 10? Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help ...

Announcements - July 17, 2016

Announcements – July 17, 2016 Raspberry Ridge Outreach Opportunity: David and Carmen Gunderson, two of our own missionaries, are currently serving the Somali population at Raspberry Ridge Apartment complex in Hopkins and we have the opportunity to support their work. We will be organizing soccer games and drills for the children, playing math/learning games with them, doing skits and reading books to them. We need to raise $150 for supplies. Please consider supporting this ministry prayerfully and financially. Our dates for serving are July 13, 19, and 27. Father/Son Quest: Please pray for the fathers and their sons who will be attending the camping trip from July 21-24. Women’s Ministry and Children’s Fellowship: Women of GCF are invited to attend a fellowship opportunity on Tuesday morning, July 17, at Elysia Larson’s home from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Pastor Charlie On Vacation: Pastor Charlie will be on vacation from July 18-August 8. He will respond to messages left for ...

Joy in Things and Joy in God, by Pastor Charlie

Joy in Things and Joy in God By Pastor Charlie Have you ever been super excited to get some new thing? Have you ever noticed that when you get that thing, your joy starts out h igh but then quickly fades so that you soon find yourself thinking about the next new thing? Why does this happen to us ? Augustine, the famed fifth century church leader, helps us understand. His words are a bit hard to read but it’ll be well worth the effort to do so. I encourage you to read slowly and carefully. For there is this great difference between things temporal and things eternal, that a temporal object is valued more before we possess it, and begins to prove worthless the moment we attain it, because it does not satisfy the soul, which has its onl y true and sure resting-place in eternity. An eternal object, on the other hand, is loved with greater ardor when it is in possession than while it is still an object of desire, for no one in his longing for it can set a higher value...

The Kindness of the Lord, Study Questions - July 10, 2016

The Kindness of the Lord 2 Samuel 9:1-13 July 10, 2016 Study Questions Read 2 Samuel 9:1-4. Why did David desire to bless someone from the house of Saul? What does this reveal to us about his character? Who did he find and where did the man live? Read 2 Samuel 9:5-8. What was Jonathan’s son feeling when he entered into the house of the king? What did he think was going to happen? How did David treat him? How did Mephibosheth respond?  Read 2 Samuel 9:9-11a. Who was Ziba? What did David grant to him? What does this reveal to us about his character? Read 2 Samuel 9:11b-13. What was Mephibosheth’s life like at this time? What important pieces of information do we learn about him in this passage? What’s the most important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study? How has today’s message helped you to grow in love for God and others? What is the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of 2 Samuel 9? Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank ...