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Five Myths Of Marriage Equality - Myth #1

Many are rejoicing in our day about the advances of same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court ruling by a margin of 5-4 now makes it illegal for any state to ban same-sex marriage. Depending on where you land on the spectrum of "tolerance" or rejection of same-sex marriage there are some myths to dis-spell regarding this issue.

Before I get to the myths, it is crucial for me to point out that the Bible treats homosexuality as a voluntary act of rebellion against God (Romans 1:26-27). Scripture calls believers to respond to homosexual individuals with kindness, gentleness, and sympathy for their struggle (2 Timothy 2:24-26). However, there is nothing in Scripture that suggests homosexual behavior is natural or a part of God's design nor a part of human flourishing and fulfillment. Therefore, Scripture teaches that the correct response to homosexual inclinations is to repent and trust Jesus for forgiveness and strength (Luke 3:3). 

Without further ado, here is the first of five myths regarding same-sex marriage:

Myth 1: Same-sex marriage is equivalent to heterosexual marriage and therefore it must be included in the so-called ideal of marriage equality

This is a myth and here is at least one reason why. Science. Consider it this way. If you were given the task of beginning a new civilization on an uninhabited island and you had two people to put there, who would you choose? Would you choose two men? Two women? Or would you choose a man and a woman? If this were the task, even the most flamboyant homosexual would choose a member of the opposite sex to go with them to fulfill their task because they would have better luck this way than with a member of the same sex. 

In other words, this proves same-sex marriage never was and never will be equal to heterosexual marriage. Everyone, whether willingly on unwillingly so, agrees that there is a fundamental difference between a same-sex couple and a heterosexual couple. The right to marry may be something human governments equalize but what will never be equalized is the ability to produce a child that bears the image of its parents. When this becomes the demand of same-sex couples they will have to embrace the reality that true equality is unattainable. Same-sex marriage does not contribute to the ideal of marriage equality, it contributes to the myth of marriage equality.

I understand that someone might read this and object to the basis that I am using to determine equivalence. I would expect someone to argue like this:

It is possible for a heterosexual couple to be infertile, in which case they are no longer equivalent to a couple who is able to reproduce. Thus, marital equivalence should be based upon the potential for a loving relationship and not on the potential to reproduce.

Here is my response to this rationale. Infertility is the exception to the rule, an anomaly, while the ability to reproduce in a same-sex marriage is never possible. Ever. Science proves this. Same-sex relationships will always without any exception prove incapable of reproduction. To use the exception to the rule to equalize the impossible would be like saying that planting a flower seed in soil is equivalent to planting a pebble in soil because, after all, every now and again a flower seed will be a dud and not blossom. Therefore, a pebble that can never blossom is equivalent to flower seeds that might not blossom. This is nonsense.

The lingering question I have to address in myth number 2 relates to the basis of a relationship. Perhaps many will agree that when it comes to human reproduction a same-sex relationship and a heterosexual relationship are simply not equivalent. Okay. But this does not matter because the basis of a relationship is love, which a same-sex couple has the ability to do just like a heterosexual couple does. After all, the earth is already over-populated and our planet along with the human race that occupies it is in danger of facing scarce resources. In fact, the same-sex side may likely argue that reproduction is somewhat irresponsible and adopting children into loving families should be a high, if not the highest priority when we think about the needs of the planet and the needs of the human race.

This is an interesting argument, to which I will turn my attention to in my next entry as I deal with myth number 2: Same-sex marriage is based upon, supported and motivated by love.


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