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Broken Heroes: The Life and Ministry of John Chrysostom

John Chrysostom (ca. 347-407) was a fourth- and early fifth-century pastor and bishop who sought God with all of his heart for over forty years, and who exercised great influence over the church for many centuries. He was born in Syrian Antioch (modern-day Turkey) and raised by his mother, Anthusa, for his father, Secundus, had died when he was a small child. Anthusa loved the Lord and taught John to love him as well, but she longed for him to have a successful career of one sort or other, and thus saw that he obtained a classical education and formed connections with prominent people.

For a time, John pursued a career in law, but at some point the Lord gripped his heart and he devoted himself instead to the monastic life. This was disappointing to his mother, but John felt that he had to obey the Lord, and obey he did! Not one to be half-hearted, John spent two years living in a cave where he denied himself all but the bare necessities of life. As Robert Payne notes, he “denied himself sleep, read the Bible continually and spent two years without lying down, apparently in the belief that a Christian must stand in order to obey the injunction: ‘Be ye watchful’” (Fathers of the Eastern Church, page 197).

At the end of two years, John was in ill health and unable to care for himself, and thus he descended from his cave down into Antioch where he received medical attention and also commenced his theological studies under the prominent professor, Diodore. Although his health was permanently damaged by these years of seclusion, he was ordained as a deacon in the church of Antioch in 381 and then as a preaching elder in 386.
Over the next eleven years John distinguished himself as an able preacher and interpreter of the Bible, and later earned the nickname “Chrystostomos” which means “golden-mouth.” The nickname was well-deserved for he was an unusual preacher, but he was not one to speak the Word of God only, rather, he was also a zealous doer of the Word. He taught that sound doctrine and sound living are inseparable, and that if one does separate these things he obscures the gospel and diminishes the glory of Christ.

John’s time in Antioch came to an end in 398 when he was appointed Bishop of Constantinople against his own protestations. While he was willing to do the Lord’s will, his desire was to remain a preacher, and he knew that the Bishopric was more of a political than a pastoral position. By the grace of God, he served in that post for seven years, ably defending biblical orthodoxy and doing all he could to keep the church on the right track, but he was eventually exiled and spent his last three years in extreme and isolated conditions in Cucusus of Armenia (modern-day Turkey).

John was an extreme man but his life and work helped preserve the church, and for this we should count him a hero and give thanks to God.


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