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Showing posts from August, 2017

Worship Songs, September 3

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. Sing Sing Sing Let It Be Jesus Jesus Thank You My heart Is Yours Jesus All For Jesus

Sermon Questions - August 27, 2017

I Am the Light of the World John 8:12-30 August 27, 2017 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 8:12-20. What does it mean to say that Jesus in the light of the world? How does this title connect to other parts of the Gospel of John? How does this title connect to the subject of Jesus witness about himself? In what specific ways did Jesus establish the truthfulness of his self-witness? Why does he make the connection between knowing him and knowing the Father in verse 19? Why does it matter that Jesus spoke these words in the treasury of the temple? Read John 8:21-30. Why did Jesus transition to talk about his departure from this world? How does this relate to Jesus being the light of the world? How did Jesus’ hearers respond, and what did Jesus say to them in return? When Jesus’ hearers asked who he was, how did Jesus respond? Why did he return to the theme of judgment? Why did he refer to his crucifixion in verse 28? What would the crucifixion display ab...

Announcements - August 27, 2017

All-Church Prayer Meeting this Wednesday: Join us for a time of prayer on Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Handke Center. We will pray over our tenth anniversary celebration, as well as our local and global missions efforts. Child care will be available. 10th Anniversary Celebration of Glory of Christ Fellowship: We  will celebrate our tenth anniversary on Sunday, October 1. An Agape Meal and silent auction are being planned for the celebration. Funds raised from the auction will go into the short-term missions fund. Help is needed to cover the details of the silent auction—silent auction items, setup and cleanup of event. To get involved, contact Julie Springfield at 763-607-1253. Somali Adult Literacy Training (SALT) Outreach Training Saturday, September 9: Join us for a time of training open to all current SALT volunteers and those interested in getting started. Training will be at Bethlehem Baptist Church, downtown campus from 8:30 a.m. to ...

Growing in Grace by Sharing the Hope of Christ, by Pastor Charlie Handren

Growing in Grace by Sharing the Hope of Christ By Pastor Charlie The Apostle Peter drew his second letter to a close with these wise and pastoral words: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18). The word “grow” is an exhortation and a command, and it implies that if we’re to progress in Christ we must play an active role, by the grace of Christ, in building habits that nurture that progress. Therefore, I am offering a series of devotionals this summer and early fall on eight essential habits that help us to grow in grace. For today, let’s consider the place of evangelism in the Christian life. To grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, we must flow with the grace and knowledge of Christ toward others. To be shaped into the image of him who saved us, we must join in his mission to seek and save the lost. We must learn to be rivers rather than reservoirs, for res...

Worship Songs, August 27

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. Come People Of The Risen King Enough Forever At The Cross Knowing You I Surrender All Hope Of The Nations My apologies for posting these so late in the week! Pastor Kevin

Sexuality: God Creates; The World Corrupts

Here is an article by Julie Lowe (CCEF) that equips parents to discuss sex and sexuality with their children.  I pray for parents who face the difficult task of navigating the world's aggressive stance on a corrupted view of sexuality. May you and your church be the shapers of their sexual identity, it won't happen by accident. As a fellow parent, we need to respond to this call and we need plenty of grace for it. Thankfully, God is sufficient! Here is the article: How do you talk to your kids about sex and sexuality? It can be an uncomfortable subject. Here is a phrase I often use when I teach young people about sex: God creates; the world corrupts. God creates food; the world corrupts the use of food. God creates relationships; the world corrupts and uses relationships in ways that were never intended. God creates sex and sexuality; the world corrupts it and turns it into something it was never meant to be.  Unfortunately, too often we address the corruption of ...

Sermon Questions - August 20, 2017

Go and Sin No More John 7:53-8:11 August 20, 2017 Questions for Study and Meditation John 7:53-8:11 was most likely not part of the original manuscript of the Gospel of John. How should we think about and apply texts like this? Read 7:53-8:6a. Why did the Scribes and Pharisees bring the woman before Jesus? Where were they located? Was the woman in fact guilty of adultery? Read 8:6b-9. How did Jesus respond to these leaders and why? How did they respond and why? Read 8:10-11. Why did Jesus ask the woman about her accusers? Why did he refer to their failure to condemn her as the ground for his forgiveness of her? Why did Jesus command her to go and sin no more from that point forward? Does his command imply sinlessness or a Godward pattern of life? What’s the most important thing you learned from today’s sermon? From John 7:53-8:11? How has this sermon helped you to grow in love for God and others? What’s the most important thing Jesus would have you do i...

Announcements - August 20, 2017

Change in Location for Sunday Worship Service: We will be meeting at Elk River High School for one more Sunday—August 27. We will return to the Handke Center on Sunday, September 3.  Quarterly Business Meeting Today after Worship Service: We’ll meet after the worship service from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Little Theater. Members are asked to attend, while all attenders are welcome. Ladies and Children Fellowship/Play Date Tuesday, August 22: We’ll meet from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the home of Tayla Bonin: 11824 195th Street NW, Elk River.  Please text Tayla at 215-380-8743 if you are coming!  Feel free to bring a snack to share. Church Website in Transition: We are in the process of migrating our website to another service provider and will go live at the end of this month. Until then, we do not have the capability of updating the information on the church’s website, including sermons. Sermons can still be accessed through subscribed podcast services...

Growing in Grace by Christian Community, by Pastor Charlie Handren

Growing in Grace by Christian Community by Pastor Charlie The Apostle Peter drew his second letter to a close with these wise and pastoral words: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18). The word “grow” is an exhortation and a command, and it implies that if we’re to progress in Christ we must play an active role, by the grace of Christ, in building habits that nurture that progress. Therefore, I am offering a series of devotionals this summer on eight essential habits that help us to grow in grace. For today, let’s consider the place of Christian community in our walk with Christ. So far in this series we have considered the place of the Word of God, praising God, praying to God, fasting, and giving in the life of the growing Christian. Today I want to add a simple but very important idea, specifically, that we are designed by Jesus to grow in these and other ways t...

Worship Songs, August 20

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. Salvation Belongs To Our God Jesus Is Better Beautiful One Kindness From The Inside Out Grace Flows Down Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) In Christ,  Pastor Kevin

Announcements - August 13, 2017

Change in Location for Sunday Worship Services from July 16-August 20: We will be worshiping at Elk River High School in the Little Theater July 16-August 20. Mark your calendars and plan to join us there! Church Website in Transition: Our website provider notified us that they will no longer be able to support our website. We are in the process of migrating the site to another company and will go live at the end of this month. Until then, we do not have the capability of updating the information on the church’s website, including sermons. Sermons can still be accessed through subscribed podcast services (i.e. Stitcher, iTunes). Quarterly Business Meeting Sunday, August 20: Join us for a time of sharing, thanksgiving, and prayer as we gather to celebrate what the Lord has done over the last year and dream about what he might do in the coming year. We’ll meet after the worship service on August 20, from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the Little Theater. Contact Pastor Charlie for more ...

Growing in Grace by Giving, by Pastor Charlie Handren

Growing in Grace by Giving By Pastor Charlie The Apostle Peter drew his second letter to a close with these wise and pastoral words: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18). The word “grow” is an exhortation and a command, and it implies that if we’re to progress in Christ we must play an active role, by the grace of Christ, in building habits that nurture that progress. Therefore, I am offering a series of devotionals this summer on eight essential habits that help us to grow in grace. For today, let’s consider the place of giving in the Christian life. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace ...

Why You Should Consider Volunteering For Sunday School at GCF

We love children at Glory of Christ Fellowship. We love fathers and mothers and seeing them prosper in their marriages for the good of their homes and the good of their children. We love family at GCF, family the way God outlines in his holy Word, the Bible. Oh, did I mention that we love the Bible at GCF?  We believe it is God’s authoritative Word through which he rules and reigns over his people as they respond to him by faith. We also believe in the sufficiency of Scripture, which means that the bible “contains all the words of God that he intended his people to have in each stage of redemptive history” and that it “contains everything we need God to tell us for salvation, for trusting him perfectly, and for obeying him perfectly .”  We believe that children are a blessing from God (Psalm 127:3-5) and we receive them as such. Jesus told us that children have things to teach us about the kingdom, namely, childlike faith and humility, just like we have things to teach th...

Worship Songs, August 13

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. Better is One Day Lord Most High Nothing But The Blood Take Me In To Him Who Sits On The Throne Before The Throne Of God Above Here In Your Presence In Christ, Pastor Kevin

Announcements - August 6, 2017

Change in Location for Sunday Worship Services from July 16-August 20: We will be worshiping at Elk River High School in the Little Theater July 16 through August 20. Mark your calendars and plan to join us there! Quarterly Business Meeting Sunday, August 20: Join us for a time of sharing, thanksgiving, and prayer as we gather to celebrate what the Lord has done over the last year and to dream about what he might do in the coming year. The meeting will take place after the worship service on August 20, from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the Little Theater. Contact Pastor Charlie for more information ( All-Church Prayer Meeting Wednesday, August 30: Join us for a time of prayer on Wednesday, August 30 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Handke Center. At this meeting, we will pray over our tenth anniversary celebration and all that entails, as well as our local and global missions efforts. For more information,  contact David and Carmen Gunderson (dgunderson@arrivem...