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Showing posts from March, 2021

Marks of A Healthy Church: A Biblical View of Evangelism By Pastor Kevin Feder

 When I first saw this title I said to myself, "oh no." Probably because evangelism perhaps highlights one of the weakest weaknesses of Glory of Christ Fellowship. Perhaps you might disagree, in that case it's possible that you have been faithful to practice evangelism by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with unbelievers. Good for you. I for one can grow in this area and I long to see the day when many people will come to know Christ and convert to Him through the witness of GCF.  On the other hand, before I beat myself up too badly or set unrealistic expectations it is important to get a working view and understanding of how evangelism should mark the church. Let me say a few things about it. First of all, if you are looking to do some reading let me highlight a few good resources. Mark Dever wrote the book titled The Gospel and Personal Evangelism.  I have not read it but have only heard good things about it. If you are looking for a more theological treatise on the s...

Marks of a Healthy Church - A Biblical Understanding of Conversion by Pastor Kevin Feder

 Maybe you are like me and find yourself surprised by learning that a biblical view of conversion is a key mark of a healthy church. Not that we should't prioritize a biblical view of anything, but we could say the church should have a biblical view of everything, right? Why single out conversion as a key indication of a healthy church? Furthermore, conversion seems like something that might be hard to detect. For instance, practicing communion and baptism are tangible and obvious, something you can clearly hang your hat upon. A church's view of conversion, this is less obvious.  If it didn't go through your head, it did go through mine. Let's start with an operational and clear view of what a biblical view of conversion is. Here is a definition from a strengthened version of the 1833 New Hampshire Confession of Faith.  We believe that Repentance and Faith are sacred duties, and also inseperable graces, wrought in our souls by the regenerating Spirit of God; whereby bei...

Should Women Bear The Sword? By Pastor Kevin Feder

  Over the past two weeks at GCF we have and are devoting ourselves to the discussion on gender roles. We believe that gender roles are rooted in creation as a part of God's glorious design. It will inevitably sound archaic and sexist to modern sensibilities that men are primarily called to assume sacrificial responsibility characterized by leadership, protection and provision while women are primarily called to be helpers characterized by nurture, gentleness and caring. Yet, we believe this is what the Bible seems to clearly suggest. Scripture itself is clear in Genesis 2:18 that Adam needed a helper, so God created Eve who was fit to his specifications, and he to hers.  Creation itself self-evidently bears witness to the beauty and goodness of male and female complementarianism. The anatomy of males and females work together to create new life, for instance. And speaking of anatomy and physical attributes, simply by looking at the female form it is evident that she was const...