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Showing posts from February, 2018

Sermon Questions - February 25, 2018

If You Love Me John 14:15-26 February 25, 2018 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 14:15-21. What is the relationship between love for Jesus and obedience to Jesus? What promises did Jesus make to his disciples? How do these promises relate to the issue of love and obedience?  Read John 14:22-26. In light of Judas’ (not Iscariot) question, what do you think was confusing the disciples? How does Jesus answer address his question? What was the true source of Jesus’ words? What further promise did Jesus make to his disciples? How does this relate to the issue of love and obedience?  What’s the most important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study?  How has today’s message helped you to grow in love for God and others?  What is the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of the message?  Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help as you seek to grow with others in faith, h...

Announcements - February 25, 2018

Agape Meal Next Sunday: Next week is Communion Sunday and we will share a meal together after the service. See the back of the announcements for full details about this monthly, all-church meal. Marriage Seminar Do You Hear What I Hear? Saturday March 3:  Mark your calendars for the first ever GCF marriage seminar beginning at 3:00 p.m. at the Handke Center. Pastor Charlie and Pastor Kevin will be teaching on biblical communication in marriage. Couples will have the opportunity to go out to dinner on their own afterwards and those who would like to are invited to a fun group activity after dinner. Tickets for the event are on sale today. Cost is $10 per couple. Community Aid Elk River - CAER March Food Drive: Help CAER fight hunger by donating food to help local families in need. We will be collecting food for the drive through Sunday, March 18. Requested items for donation: canned and packaged non perishable foods, coffee, diapers, toiletries, adults and kids books, ...

Delighting in the Truth: The Human Condition and Salvation, by Pastor Charlie Handren

     From January to March, we are offering a series of devotionals on our Membership Affirmation of Faith. Our aim in this series is to help Glory of Christ grow in our understanding of truth, our love of the God of truth, our love of one another, and our love of unbelievers. The Affirmation is made up of eight articles of faith, the sixth of which is entitled “The Human Condition and Salvation” and reads as follows: We believe that man was created by God in His own image and for his glory; but that man sinned and fell short of God’s glory, and thus incurred physical, spiritual, and eternal separation from God. We believe that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and so are under divine condemnation. We reject justification by works of the law, and we believe that only those who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior, by virtue of His atoning death on the cross, submitting to him as Lord, and embracing Him as supreme Treasure of their lives, are justified, deli...

Sermon Questions - February 18, 2018

Whatever You Ask in My Name John 14:12-14 February 18, 2018 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 14:12. What is the relationship between faith and doing the works of Jesus? What does it mean to say that Jesus’ disciples will do greater works than him? How is this possible?  Read John 14:13-14. What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name? Do Jesus’ words mean that he’ll do everything we ask for and give us everything we want? What is the ultimate purpose of Jesus answering our prayers?  What’s the most important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study?  How has today’s message helped you to grow in love for God and others?  What is the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of the message?  Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help as you seek to grow with others in faith, hope, and love.  

Announcements - February 18, 2018

What is Gospel Community? Beginning today we will be offering our eight-session church membership class entitled, What is Gospel Community? This class covers the basics of the gospel, the church, and the mission and vision of Glory of Christ Fellowship. Attending does not obligate you to become a member of the church, but it is a prerequisite for doing so. Faith Biblical Counseling Conference February 23-24: This year, Track 1 and Track 4 will be offered at Grace Church Eden Prairie for three weekends (one per month) of training in Biblical Counseling. Track 1 lays the foundation of biblical counseling principles and practices, and Track 4 deals with advanced counseling issues (Track 1 is a prerequisite). For more information, contact Pastor Kevin, Marriage Seminar Do You Hear What I Hear? Saturday March 3: Mark your calendars for the first ever GCF marriage seminar scheduled for Saturday, March 3, beginning at 3:00 p.m. at the Handke Center. Pastor Charl...

Delighting in the Truth: The Word of God, by Pastor Charlie Handren

     From January to March, we are offering a series of devotionals on our Membership Affirmation of Faith. Our aim in this series is to help Glory of Christ grow in our understanding of truth, our love of the God of truth, our love of one another, and our love of unbelievers. The Affirmation is made up of eight articles of faith, the fifth of which is entitled “The Word of God” and reads as follows: We believe that the Bible, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is the infallible Word of God, verbally inspired by God, and without error in the original manuscripts. We believe that God’s intentions, revealed in the Bible, are the supreme and final authority in testing all claims about what is true and what is right. In matters not addressed by the Bible, what is true and right is assessed by criteria consistent with the teachings of Scripture. (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20-21; 3:16; 1 Corinthians 2:13: 14:37; Mark 13:31; John 8:31-32; 14:26...

Sermon Questions - February 11, 2018

The Way, the Truth, and the Life John 14:1-11 February 11, 2018 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 14:1-4. What connection is Jesus drawing between being troubled and believing in him? What is the Father’s house? What does it mean to say that his house has many “rooms”? What promise did Jesus make to his disciples here?  Read John 14:5-7. What do you think Thomas and the others were feeling as they heard Jesus’ words in verses 1-4? What does it mean to say that Jesus is the way to where he’s going? What does it mean to say that he is the truth and the life? What is relationship between the Father and Jesus?  Read John 14:8-11. Why did Philip (and probably others) still not understand Jesus’ words? Again, what is the relationship between the Father and Jesus? Why did Jesus ask if Philip believed in him? What did Jesus exhort the disciples to do?  What’s the most important thing you learned from the sermon and your personal study?  How has...

Announcements - February 11, 2018

Foundation Builders 6 Parenting Class Saturday February 17: We will explore the heart issues of addiction and anxiety. Parents will be helped to see subtle ways children can be unintentionally trained to form habits of addiction instead of sacrificial love. Contact Pastor Kevin if you would like to attend this parenting seminar taking place at the church office from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. this upcoming Saturday. What is Gospel Community? Beginning February 18, we will be offering our eight-session church membership class entitled, What is Gospel Community? This class covers the basics of the gospel, the church, and the mission and vision of Glory of Christ Fellowship. Attending does not obligate you to become a member of the church, but it is a prerequisite for doing so. For more information, contact Dave Fergus (  Month of Prayer and Fasting for Somali People Worldwide: February has been set aside to pray for the light of the Gospel to shine into the...

Delighting in the Truth: The Holy Spirit, by Pastor Charlie Handren

     From January to March, we will be offering a series of devotionals on our Membership Affirmation of Faith. Our aim in this series is to help Glory of Christ grow in our understanding of truth, our love of the God of truth, our love of one another, and our love of unbelievers. The Affirmation is made up of eight articles of faith, the fourth of which is entitled “The Holy Spirit” and reads as follows: We believe in the Holy Spirit, who proceeds in full divine essence from the Father and the Son, who was sent into the world by God the Father to glorify God the Son. We believe that without his work no one would come to faith. We believe that His work in regeneration is not the result of water baptism or any outward ritual. We believe He indwells everyone who trusts in Christ, and helps them make progress in overcoming sin and in becoming more like Jesus Christ in thought, deed, and love for God the Father. (John 14:16-17,26; 15:26-27; John 16:9-14; Romans 8:9; I Cori...

Sermon Questions - February, 4, 2018

A New Commandment John 13:31-38 February 4, 2018 Questions for Study and Meditation 1. Read John 13:31-35. What did Jesus mean that his time had come to be glorified? Why did he say that the Father would glorify him in himself?  2. Why did Jesus say to his disciples what he had said to the Jews? And why did he take this opportunity to command them to love one another? What is unique, or “new,” about this command?  3. Read John 13:36-38. What do you think motivated Peter to ask his initial question? Did he really think he would lay down his life for Jesus?  4. Why did Jesus question Peter’s resolve? Specifically what did Jesus prophecy about him? How does this relate to the new command Jesus gave to his disciples?  5. What’s the most important thing you learned from today’s sermon? From John 13:31-38?  6. How has this sermon helped you to grow in love for God and others?  7. What’s the most important thing ...

Announcements - February 4, 2018

Agape Meal Today: Join us after the service today for our monthly Agape Meal. We will continue to celebrate communion Sunday and enjoy fellowship together. If you didn’t bring anything to share, feel free to come anyway, as there’s always plenty of food available! Abba Pregnancy Resource Center’s Baby Bottle Fundraiser: Pick up a baby bottle at the Abba table and fill it with cash or check. All proceeds will benefit Abba’s ministry in our community. We will collect bottles until February 12. If you have questions, feel free to ask Julie Springfield. Foundation Builders 6 Parenting Class Saturday February 17: Contact Pastor Kevin if you would like to attend this parenting seminar taking place at the church office from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. this upcoming Saturday. Month of Prayer and Fasting for Somali People Worldwide: February has been set aside to pray for the light of the Gospel to shine into the hearts of Somali people worldwide. Pray specifically for the complet...

Delighting in the Truth: Jesus Christ, by Pastor Charlie Handren

     From January to March, we will be offering a series of devotionals on our Membership Affirmation of Faith. Our aim in this series is to help Glory of Christ grow in our understanding of truth, our love of the God of truth, our love of one another, and our love of unbelievers. The Affirmation is made up of eight articles of faith, the third of which is entitled “Jesus Christ” and reads as follows: We believe in Jesus Christ, true God from true God, begotten not created, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, and teachings. We believe in His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people, and personal visible return to earth (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:1; 20:28; Romans 9:5; 8:46; II Corinthians 5:21; I Peter 2:21-23; John 20:30-31; Matthew 20:28; Ephesians 1:4; Acts 1:11; Romans 5:6-8; 6:9-10; Hebrews 7:25; Hebrews 9:28; I Timothy 3:16).  ...