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Showing posts from October, 2017

Worship Songs - November 5, 2017

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. Our God Kindness Waiting Here For You Sovereign Hands Before The Throne Of God Above Sing To Jesus Jesus Thank You It's Your Grace -- Sermon Text: John 11:45-57 That the next generation will set their hope in God and not forget the works of God (Psalm 78:7).

Sermon Questions - October 29, 2017

Father, I Thank You John 11:38-44 October 29, 2017 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 11:38-44. For what did Jesus thank the Father? Was Jesus in doubt about whether or not the Father would hear him? Why or why not? Why did Jesus pray this prayer loud enough for all to hear? What does this teach us about the purposes of God in the death and resurrection of Lazarus? Why did Jesus need to pray at all? How would you describe his prayer life? How does Jesus’ prayer life relate to the prayer lives of those who believe in him? What’s the most important thing you learned from today’s sermon? From John 11:38-44? How has this sermon helped you to grow in love for God and others? What’s the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of this sermon? Take some time to worship Jesus. Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help as you seek to strive with other believers for the faith of the gospel.

Announcements - October 29. 2017

Agape Meal Next Sunday: Next week is Communion Sunday and we will share a meal together after the service. See the back of the announcements for full details about this monthly, all-church meal. Quarterly Business Meeting Next Sunday: Join us after the worship service and Agape Meal on Sunday, November 5 for our quarterly business meeting where we’ll discuss the good things the Lord has done as of late, and the things the Lord has in store for us in the coming months. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to get an item put on the agenda for that meeting, contact Pastor Charile ( ).  Worldview Academy Registration: Worldview Academy is a dynamic ministry that equips students to defend the Christian faith against competing worldviews. Nowthen Alliance Church will be hosting a weekend event, November 10-11. Consider making this a priority as it will be an excellent opportunity for parents and students to grow in faith together. Father-...

Reformation, Catechisms, and Answering Gender Confusion

Since we are on the topic of the Reformation, did you know that Martin Luther played a huge role in reforming the very structure of the church service after he became a Christian? That is right, Luther re-wrote liturgy to make it possible for the Bible to be preached and truth to be sung in songs. In addition, Luther wrote catechisms, which is something he took very seriously. Here is a quote from Michael Reeves in his book, The Unquenchable Fire " He believed that  everyone should memorize it [catechism], and that anyone unwilling to learn it should be barred from the Lord's Supper, that parents should withhold food and drink from such children, and that, ultimately, such people should be exiled. He knew that he could not force belief, but he insisted that the people at least know the truth."  Obviously, Luther was willing to go further in his promotion of catechism's than I am. His point is well taken, however. Here is question number 4 in the  The New City...

Worship Songs - October 29, 2017

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Sovereign God My Rock I Will Rise More Than Amazing How Deep The Father's Love For Us What A Friend We Have In Jesus -- Sermon Text: John 11:38-44 That the next generation will set their hope in God and not forget the works of God (Psalm 78:7).

Maybe Reformation 500 Should Be In 2019, Part 2 By Pastor Kevin Feder

Desiring God Ministries has a wonderful series to help us celebrate the 500 year birthday of the Reformation. You can look for the series by the title  Here We Stand  on the Desiring God website. It features short, daily readings/audio of key reformers. You may consider reading them or listening to them with your children and they will provide stimulating conversation for your family.  We pick up this discussion from the point that Luther was interrogated by Johan Eck and when he courageously sided with Jan Hus rather than the Catholic church... Interestingly, siding with Jan Hus put Luther exile of the church and it was this two year journey that led him into the heart of true Christianity in 1519. The ninety five theses addressed what he saw as a cheapening of repentance. In the two years after he nailed the thesis to the door Luther had come to realize that his understanding of repentance was completely unbiblical in the first place. To quote from Reeves again...

Maybe Reformation 500 Should Be In 2019? Part 1 By Pastor Kevin Feder

Desiring God Ministries has a wonderful series to help us celebrate the 500 year birthday of the Reformation. You can look for the series by the title Here We Stand  on the Desiring God website. It features short, daily readings/audio of key reformers. You may consider reading them or listening to them with your children and they will provide stimulating conversation for your family.  The year 2017 marks 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church doors in Wittenberg. Historians mark this as the birth of the what has since been known and celebrated as the Protestant Reformation, and rightfully so. However, let me make the case that 1517 wasn't really the year of the reformation as we know it and celebrate it today. Perhaps that designation more appropriately applies to the year 1519? If this were the case then reformed churches everywhere have to keep the champagne on ice for two more years! This insinuates that reformed churches would be celebrating...

Sermon Questions - October 22, 2017

I Am the Resurrection and the Life John 11:17-44 October 22, 2017 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 11:17-27. When Martha heard that Jesus had come to Bethany, what did she do? What was the cry of her heart and how did Jesus respond? How did Jesus minister to her doubt and pain? Read John 11:28-37. When Mary heard that Jesus had come, what did she do? Who went with her and why? How did Mary react when she saw Jesus? How did Jesus respond when he saw her suffering, and that of the Jews? Read John 11:38-44. When Jesus went to the tomb, how did he feel and why? How did Jesus respond to Martha’s hesitation? What was the main point of Jesus’ prayer? Besides the practical details, what is the ultimate purpose of the resurrection of Lazarus? What’s the most important thing you learned from today’s sermon? From John 11:17-44? How has this sermon helped you to grow in love for God and others? What’s the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light ...

Announcements - October 22, 2017

Worldview Academy Registration: Worldview Academy is a dynamic ministry that equips students to defend the Christian faith against competing worldviews. Nowthen Alliance Church will be hosting a weekend event, November 10-11. Consider making this a priority as it will be an excellent opportunity for parents and students to grow in faith together. Women’s Ministry Survey: Thank you ladies for taking the time to complete the survey. Return your completed survey today to Susan Fergus or Shelley Herzog.  TCT Pastor’s and Wives Retreat October 24-26: Be in prayer for Pastor Charlie as he travels to San Diego, California to pray and connect with about seventy other church-planters and their wives through the Treasuring Christ Together Network. Also, lift him up as he teaches a class session on expository preaching for master’s students at Gateway Seminary in Ontario, California.  Quarterly Business Meeting Sunday November 5: Join us after the worship servic...

Worship Songs - October 22, 2017

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. Be Thou My Vision Holy Is The Lord In The Presence How Great Are You Lord Be Unto Your Name Just As I Am Resurrection Hymn -- Sermon Text: John 11:17-44 That the next generation will set their hope in God and not forget the works of God (Psalm 78:7).

Sermon Questions - October 15, 2017

That the Son May Be Glorified John 11:1-16 October 15, 2017 Questions for Study and Meditation Read John 11:1-4. How did Jesus know Lazarus, Mary, and Martha so well? When Lazarus fell sick, why do you think his sisters sent for Jesus? What was Jesus’ perspective on this illness? How did he gain this perspective? Read John 11:5-16. If Jesus loved this family, why did he wait to go to them? When Jesus told his disciples they were returning to Jerusalem, how did they respond and why? How do you understand Jesus’ response in verses 9-10? When Lazarus died, Jesus rejoiced—why did he rejoice? How did Thomas respond and why? What are several ways Jesus might respond to and use serious illness in the lives of believers today? Of unbelievers? What’s the most important thing you learned from today’s sermon? From John 11:1-16? How has this sermon helped you to grow in love for God and others? What’s the most important thing Jesus would have you do in light of this...

Announcements - October 15, 2017

Annual Men’s Retreat October 19-21: Men, we look forward to gathering again at Miracle Bible Camp near Longville, Minnesota for a time of recreation, meditation on the Word, prayer, and fellowship. This year we’re adding our first annual GCF fishing tournament, so bring your gear and prepare to be “fishers of fish” for the glory of Christ! For more information, contact Pastor Charlie ( ) or Pastor Kevin ( ). Worldview Academy Registration (Early Bird Deadline is October 20): Worldview Academy is a dynamic ministry that equips students to defend the Christian faith against competing worldviews. Nowthen Alliance Church will be hosting a weekend event, November 10-11. Early bird registration closes October 20 ($35/individual, $55/couple, $75/family). Please consider making this a priority as it will be an excellent opportunity for parents and students to grow in faith together. Women’s Ministry Survey: Thank you ladies in advance for tak...

Opportunities for Worship at Glory of Christ Fellowship, by Pastor Charlie Handren

Last week I wrote about the vision for worship at Glory of Christ Fellowship (GCF) and I shared that our aim in worship is to exalt the glory of God in the eyes of his people that they might see, sing, seek, and submit to him. This week I would like to highlight the opportunities for worship that exist at GCF and encourage you to pray about getting involved. First, I want to expand our vision of worship ministry beyond just music and preaching. In fact, I would argue that every aspect of our Sunday morning ministries is part of it, for example, setup, greeting and ushering, managing the content of our tables, giving the announcements, reading, singing, praying, preaching, listening, learning, eating, breaking down, and fellowship. All of these things and more are part and parcel of our worship ministry, and when done well they have the potential to evoke true worship in the hearts of those who participate and those who observe the faith-filled service of others. Second, while ...

Worship Songs, October 15, 2017

We post these worship songs leading up to the worship service so that parents may listen to them in the house or in the car within the days leading up to the worship service. Our hope is that children will hear the songs prior to and it will prepare them to participate in worship on Sunday mornings. My Redeemers Love Hope Has Come I Will Glory In My Redeemer Blessed Be Your Name Here In Your Presence Your Glory Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest) -- Sermon Text: John 11:1-16 That the next generation will set their hope in God and not forget the works of God (Psalm 78:7).

Why You Should Consider Attending the Worldview Academy Conference by Pastor Kevin

Before I get into profound, life-changing biblical commentary ( ok, thats a little dramatic ) let me tell you that I am addressing parents of teenagers. This blog post is clearly an attempt to persuade you to consider prioritizing the upcoming Worldview Academy conference coming up on November 10-11. Worldview Academy is committed to equipping students to defend Christian truth against competing worldviews. You can purchase tickets at the Worldview Academy website. The early bird deadline is October 20 when you can get tickets for $35/individual, $55/couple, $75/family.  Now for the commentary... God’s Word commands us in Colossians 2:8 to “ See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ .” First of all, this is indeed a command. What is being commanded is for believers to see to it or to make sure this happens. The question this raises a...