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Showing posts from October, 2015

Glistening Webs: Seeing the Glory of God in Creation

When Jonathan Edwards (1703-58) was just twenty years old, he submitted a letter to the Royal Society of London about the common spider. It was a brief summary of scientific observations which he hoped would be published in the prestigious journal, Philosophical Transactions. It was not. However, the letter was preserved and has come to be known as “The Spider Letter.”  Edwards’ scientific observations are not very impressive, but his ability to see the glory of God in such a common insect and to articulate that glory with vividness and joy is impressive indeed. It is inspiring. It is instructive. For example, after cataloguing some of the particular movements of the spider, Edwards notes, “Hence [we see] the exuberant goodness of the Creator, who hath not only provided for all the necessities, but also for the pleasure and recreation of all sorts of creatures, even insects” (John E. Smith, et al., eds., A Jonathan Edwards reader, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995, pag...

Announcements - October 25, 2015

Announcements – October 25, 2015 Agape Meal, November 1: We will be enjoying an Agape Meal after the worship service this morning. Please see the back side of this sheet for more information. Quarterly Strategy Meeting, November 1: Our quarterly strategy meeting will be held on Sunday, November 1 during the Agape Meal. Rake The Town, Saturday, October 31: This is a service opportunity for the whole family. Really, there isn’t an age restriction on this event. Through Faith In Action, our group will be connected with local people within our very own community. Bring a rake to bless a family in need of help with the falling leaves. Sign up by Monday, October 26. Father/Daughter Dinner: Dads and Daughters are invited to a special dinner on Saturday, November 7. Please contact Pastor Kevin ( or Julie Springfield ( to sign up. Pivot Meetings : The college age ministry meets on alternating Thursday evenings. 7:00 p.m. a...

Announcements - October 4, 2015

Announcements – October 4, 2015 Agape Meal: There will be an agape meal after the worship service. Everyone is invited to attend. Please see the back-side of this sheet for more details. Women’s Ministry:  Ladies Fellowship brunch on October 10 at 9:30 at the house of Susan Fergus (19352 Carson Circle NW, Elk River). Please RSVP by October 7th to Susan (763-441-5827 ). Sunday School: Sunday School will begin on Sunday, October 11. Class distribution will be as follows: Preschool-Kindergarten, Grade 1-4, Grade 5-8, and High School students will be welcomed into the adult class.   Family Registration Forms: Please fill out a 2015-2016 Family Registration form and return to Pastor Kevin for fall planning purposes. Men’s Retreat: The annual Men’s Retreat is scheduled for October 15-17 at Miracle Bible Camp. Be sure to pick up a brochure this morning. Father/Daughter Dinner: Dads and Daughters, mark your calendars for a fun and memorable event on October 24...

Five Myths Of Marriage Equality - Myth #5

Many are rejoicing in our day about the advances of same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court ruling by a margin of 5-4 now makes it illegal for any state to ban same-sex marriage. Depending on where you land on the spectrum of "tolerance" or rejection of same-sex marriage there are some myths to dis-spell regarding this issue. Before I get to the myths, it is crucial for me to point out that the Bible treats homosexuality as a voluntary act of rebellion against God (Romans 1:26-27). Scripture calls believers to respond to homosexual individuals with kindness, gentleness, and sympathy for their struggle (2 Timothy 2:24-26). However, there is nothing in Scripture that suggests homosexual behavior is natural or a part of God's design nor a part of human flourishing and fulfillment. Therefore, Scripture teaches that the correct response to homosexual inclinations is to repent and trust Jesus for forgiveness and strength (Luke 3:3). Myth #5 This has all happened so sud...